Amélie Dumarcher

I have a Master’s degree in Applied Geography from the Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse (France), and I was also trained in Local Community Development in Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK). I am currently a PhD candidate in Regional Development at the Université du Québec à Rimouski (Canada).

I am also an accredited trainer and consultant for MaxQda (a qualitative and mixed methods research software), and I also offer training in the design, methodology and management of research projects involving the analysis of qualitative and mixed methods data. I enjoy working on the development of research designs tailored to the needs of a team and the specificities of a project, whatever the subject. 

Since 2017, I have contributed to the training and advancement of the research projects of more than 500 people with diverse profiles and research interests: students, academic researchers, and researchers from non-governmental, para-public and governmental organisations. 

I am also a researcher in geography, regional development and political science, in addition to my training and consultancy activities. 

My own current research interests focus on the geography and territorial governance of natural resources and on the trajectories and dynamics of so-called ‘peripheral’ territories in Quebec and Atlantic Canada, and more generally in the North Atlantic region as a whole.

In addition to my own projects, I am regularly involved in research projects as an independent researcher or research professional. These projects cover a wide range of topics, mainly territorial governance and resource development policies in Canada (fisheries, forestry, mining, oil, hydroelectricity, wind power), but also ecosystem rehabilitation and river plain management, and environmental assessment processes. These projects also varied in their methodology and content: thematic and content analyses, literature reviews, press reviews, interviews and focus groups, analysis of formal and legal documents, bibliometrics, lexicometrics, project design, team coaching, etc.

For more information on my research and ongoing projects, you can have a look at my CV (currently in French only), visit my ResearchGate page, and the News section of this website.