[Video] Introduction to Maxqda for qualitative research

⚠️ Please note that there is now a new updated video, following the release of Maxqda 2022! ➡️ https://www.ameliedumarcher.com/en/training/?new-video-introduction-to-maxqda-for-qualitative-research/ ? You have a qualitative or mixed research project and you are looking for a suitable tool? Discover MAXQDA and its potential, with this new video capsule that introduces you to the basic functions of MAXQDA. … Read more

In search of a hybrid approach for analyzing large textual corpora.

by Amélie DUMARCHER “In search of a hybrid approach for analyzing large textual corpora.  An example with the environmental assessment of wind power in Quebec.” [ This blog paper is also available as a PDF, in English and in French ] Large sets of qualitative data: advantage or constraint? Verbal and textual data are essential in social … Read more


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